This is the journey of every athlete. These are their stories.

Provide your email below if you would like to share your story.

Provide your email below if you would like to read their stories.

Elite athletes devote their lives to perfecting their craft, acutely aware that the sun will one day set on their competitive careers. This looming certainty is unique to athletes. But what happens when an athlete retires? What invaluable lessons do they carry forward from years of dedication and discipline? What challenges do they face when they transition into an entirely different playing field post-retirement?The Next Step is a newsletter that highlights these untold stories. Our mission is to provide a space where retired athletes can candidly share their post-career journey.

About me

My name is Bradley Leong and I believe in the power of sport to inspire. All athletes retire but every retirement is unique. And the lessons learned during one's athletic career often manifest post-career in beautiful ways. These stories are often never told and this is my opportunity to provide that space.I currently work as the manager of operations at the First Nations Health Authority where I aim to improve health outcomes in the lives of Canada's First Peoples. Feel free to contact me, always open to discussion.